The Benefits of Meditation

Why meditate? I hear this a lot and my response is usually, “Shouldn’t the question be, why NOT meditate?”


So let’s talk about the benefits, of which there are MANY. What I love most is that these benefits are multi-layered, holistic, and while sometimes subtle, they are impactful. To demonstrate I’m going to break down the benefits by “Layer”…


  • Decreases the effects of stress

  • Improves breathing and heart rates

  • Reduces blood pressure

  • Lessens inflammatory disorders 

  • Improves sleep habits

  • Elevates energy levels

  • Reduces aging

  • Improves immune system

  • Improves metabolism


  • Increases focus and mental strength

  • Increases memory retention and recall

  • Better able to make decisions and solve problems

  • Reduces anxiety and depression


  • Decreases worry, anxiety and impulsivity

  • Reduces stress, fear, loneliness and depression

  • Enhances self-esteem, self-love and self-acceptance

  • Increases feelings of optimism and relaxation

  • Increases feeling of connectedness

  • Improves mood and emotional intelligence


  • Helps to develop intuition

  • Increases connection to the divine/God/spirit

  • Direct experience of energetic/spiritual self

  • Opens channels to guidance and clear vision

It’s only in the recent past that studies from some of the most renowned universities and institutions have backed up what ancient wisdom has known for thousands of years; that meditation is key to our overall health and wellbeing. If you’re interested in starting a meditation practice, but are unsure how, head over to my other post Meditation 101 for some helpful tips.